- Cierre anterior
17,50 - Abrir
18,10 - Oferta 17,50 x --
- Precio de compra --
- Rango diario
18,10 - 18,10 - Intervalo de 52 semanas
13,90 - 19,20 - Volumen
147 - Prom. volumen
442 - Capitalización de mercado (intradía)
93,286M - Beta (5 años al mes) 0,00
- Ratio precio/beneficio (TMTM)
22,62 - BPA (TTM):
0,80 - Fecha de beneficios --
- Previsión de rentabilidad y dividendo 0,63 (3,60%)
- Fecha de exdividendo 4 jul 2024
- Objetivo est 1a
Axon Partners Group, S.A. is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in all stages from seed to growth capital, growth equity, startups, lower middle market, early stage, pre-IPO, IPO, post IPO, expansion, mid venture, late venture sustainability, debt instrument, private debt and fund of funds investment. Within fund of funds, the firm seeks to invest in all sectors and stages from early to growth and considers direct co-investments and secondary opportunities. Within fund of fund, the firm specializes in venture capital and it invests in ICT, digital, deep tech and life sciences in Pan-European region. Within fund of fund, the firm seeks to invest globally with the focus in European Union, United Kingdom, Nordics, Israel and the United States. The firm is sector agnostic with particular interest in enterprise-focused technology companies. The firm prefers to invest in consumer and technology focused companies, nanotechnology, biotechnology, Industrial, climate tech, mobile telephones, telephone equipment, fintech, TMT, travel, environmental and facilities services, heavy electrical equipment, physical innovation, digital, materials, energy transition, smart cities, alternative energy resources, agro-tech and water purification. It primarily invests in emerging Hispanic markets based in Madrid, Andalusia, Spain, South America, United Kingdom, South Carolina, Florida, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine and Connecticut, Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, Spain, Southern Europe, South Asia, Latam, Latin America, India, Africa, Mexico, and Eastern coast of United States. Within Spain, the firm invests in application software, information, and communication technology sector with a focus on internet software, data processing and outsourced service, B2C and B2B space companies based in Madrid and in the Andalucian region. Within Latin America, the firm focuses on entertainment to e-commerce, construction, other specialty retail, mobile to information technology service companies, engineering and surveying service and information and communication, cybersecurity, emerging technology, technology sectors with presence in Latin America, especially in Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. It also supports in follow-up rounds and financing. Within India, the firm focuses on engineering, manufacturing, technology, healthcare and cleantech or renewables. It invests between 5 million ($5.20 million) and 20 million ($20.81 million) in its portfolio companies with revenues above 3 million ($3.12 million) with more than 30% growth. The firm prefers to take minority or majority stake in its portfolio companies. The firm prefers to co-invest with the entrepreneurs, other venture capital firms and/or business angels. It seeks to invest in companies with a potential to grow business revenues by at least three to five times in less than three years or reach an IPO. The firm also provides support services to its portfolio companies which includes international deal making to drive growth and potential alliances or exits with larger Europe, United Kingdom, Israel, Nordics, or United States companies seeking to enter India and fundraising in India or internationally. It also seeks to provide corporate finance and business development services to companies across the globe. It prefers to take minority position in the companies. It also specializes in providing advisory services to an international client base in the broad technology sector, including telecom operators, telecommunication service, equipment providers, media and internet companies, utilities, energy companies, biotech, regulators and policy makers, international organizations and financial institutions. Axon Partners Group, S.A. was founded in 2006 and is headquartered at Madrid, Spain with additional offices in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, New Delhi, India, Istanbul, Middle East.
Empleados a tiempo completo
31 de diciembre
Año fiscal finalizado
Consulting Services
Descripción general del rendimiento: APG.MC
Rentabilidad total acumulada hasta el 11/2/2025, que puede incluir dividendos u otras distribuciones. El valor de referencia es
.Rentabilidad hasta la fecha
Rendimiento en 1 año(s)
Rendimiento en 3 año(s)
Rendimiento en 5 año(s)
Comparar con: APG.MC
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Estadísticas: APG.MC
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P/E últimos 12 meses
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Precio/ventas (ttm)
Precio/valor (tmr)
Valor/Ingresos de la empresa
Valor/EBITDA de empresa
Destacados financieros
Rentabilidad y estado de resultados
Margen de beneficios
Rentabilidad económica (ttm)
Rentabilidad financiera (ttm)
Ingresos (ttm)
Ingresos netos disponibles (ttm)
BPA diluido (ttm)
Hoja de balance y flujo de caja
Efectivo total (tmr)
Endeudamiento/Patrimonio total (tmr)
Flujo de efectivo apalancado (ttm)